The Fast and Furrious World of Furry Subculture

How the Furry Community Embraced CollegeHumor’s Furry Force


“Patch O’Furr calls it the multi-nerd connections. ‘If it was a venn-diagram, it would be plaid. Because everybody who’s a nerd has a bunch of nerdy interests (laughs),’ said Patch. ‘I’ve always loved every kind of subculture. But I think furries are the truest nerds out there today. You know, nerds back in the day didn’t have billion dollar movies and Hollywood agents coming to their conventions. Furry conventions still don’t have those things. They’re organic and homegrown.”

Writing this piece brought me to tears of laughter several times. What a joy to learn more about Furry culture from Patch O’Furr and CollegeHumor’s very funny Brian Murphy and Adam Conover. Read the full piece on Splitsider here:

How the Furry Community Embraced CollegeHumor’s Furry-Lampooning ‘Furry Force’

To learn more about Patch O’Furr and the Furry Community, check out Patch’s blog:

Dog Patch Press

To Vote Furry Force for the Ursa Major Award:

Ursa Major Awards Voting

One thought on “The Fast and Furrious World of Furry Subculture

  1. Pingback: Interview in Splitsider, and CollegeHumor’s message. Last day to vote for the Ursa Majors! | Dogpatch Press

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