How To Breed Fancy Pigeons: A Love Story

German Beauty Homer

I took my love for pigeons to the next level and wrote a personal essay on How to Breed Fancy Pigeons for The Hairpin!

“My pigeon nostalgia took on many whimsical and disturbing forms. I began painting pigeons and writing pigeon poetry. It was what I like to call my “Pigeon Renaissance.” This was a time of great creative flourishing where I painted pigeon masterpieces such as “Pigeon by Day” and “Starry Night Pigeon.” The pigeons were all-consuming. I’d try to drawJacobin Pigeon something else like a bowl of fruit or a self-portrait, but somehow it would still end up looking like a pigeon. Our apartment took on the aesthetic of John Nash’s office at the end of A Beautiful Mind—he too, was fascinated by pigeons. Sam was supportive of (and amused by) these creative endeavors, but also wanted to know what the fuck was going on and encouraged me to meet some new people, maybe join a club?”

Read the full piece on The Hairpin here!

Pouter Pigeon

The Fascinating World of Pigeon Fanciers

Photo by George De La Nuez

Photo by George De La Nuez

I had a blast reporting for The Guardian on the wonderful world of Pigeon Fanciers! I journeyed to a pigeon coop in Norco, CA where I learned about “bio-art,” attended a meeting at the Los Angeles Pigeon Club with some of the kindest folks around, and spoke to pigeon fanciers from around the world. Check it out here!